
Diabetes and Nutrition

The Basics of Diabetes and Nutrition

Reversing and Preventing Diabetes

Healthy Eating for Diabetes

Diabetes can be controlled with healthy eating and physical activity.

Here are the basics:

  • Eat many different kinds of food, especially vegetables, fruits, and lean meats.
  • Know what foods contain carbohydrates and how they affect your blood glucose levels. Learn more about carbohydrates.
  • Always balance carbohydrates with lean proteins and healthy fats to control blood sugar.
  • Eat three meals and planned snacks at the same time every day.
  • Eat the same amount of food at each meal and snacks.
  • Eat fewer carbohydrates when you less active, or be active after eating
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Get physical exercise.


Timing, amount, balance

If you have diabetes, when you eat and how much is as important as what you eat. Here’s what to remember:

Timing: Eat meals and snacks at about the same time every day to keep blood sugars even.

Your blood sugar can get too low if you:

- Wait too long between your snacks and meals

- Skip meals

- Are unable to eat meals at regular times every day

Eat regular meals about every 4-5 hours during the day. Or eat very small meals/snacks every 2 hours. Plan a snack if you must miss a meal.

Amount: Eat about the same amount for each meal and snack every day.

The amount of food you eat  changes your blood glucose levels.

Your blood sugar can get too high if you:

- Eat a lot of food, especially carbohydrates, at one time

- Eat too much and gain weight

Your blood sugar can get too low if you eat too little, especially carbohydrates.

Balance: Eat servings from each of the six food groups every day.

The six food groups are: vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, fruit, whole grains, and dairy or other calcium-rich foods and beverages. Eating each of these foods helps you get the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Eat less added sugars (desserts, candy, soda)

Eat a diet low in saturated and processed fat

Use the “plate method” and diabetic meal planning ideas to help you balance your meals

Choose a variety of whole foods to get enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Call your HealthPoint Clinic Today to Talk to a Nutritionist about how to Manage Diabetes


Clinical review by Denise Ward, RDN. HealthPoint Nutritionist.
Reviewed October 28, 2019
Source: American Diabetes Association
This information is not intended to be medical advice. Please consult your doctor with any questions about your health.