News & Spotlights

HealthPoint Community Report

HealthPoint Community Report

September 23rd, 2021
Fundraising, News, Stories

HealthPoint is a non-profit, community-based network of health centers dedicated to providing high-quality care to all who need it, regardless of circumstances. In 2021, we turned 50. Learn about how we got here and where we're going.

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“Suboxone and HealthPoint Saved my Life”

“Suboxone and HealthPoint Saved my Life”

July 6th, 2020

Medically assisted treatment can help people with opioid use disorder find hope in recovery. Our patient Sandra shared her story of how suboxone saved her life.

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Teamwork Makes the Patient-Centered Care Dream Work

Teamwork Makes the Patient-Centered Care Dream Work

June 22nd, 2020
HealthPoint Programs & Staff, Stories

Fighting Covid-19 is hard enough. No one should have to fight hunger at the same time. Find out how HealthPoint staff came together from across the organization to support a patient experiencing food insecurity.

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Helping Patients Stay Safe During Isolation

Helping Patients Stay Safe During Isolation

How do you self isolate after a COVID-19 diagnosis if your refrigerator is empty or your rent is past due? To help our patients and communities stay safe, HealthPoint staff do daily check-in phone calls to ensure that families have the resources they need to stay healthy while staying home.

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Work in Pandemic Time: Dental and Pharmacy Groups Redeploy to Open Drive-Through Testing

Work in Pandemic Time: Dental and Pharmacy Groups Redeploy to Open Drive-Through Testing

April 27th, 2020
HealthPoint Programs & Staff, News, Stories

If you’re going to get a medical swab stuck up your nose, you might want a dentist to do it. Dr. Alexander S. Topor, who usually works as a dentist at HealthPoint’s Midway location, came to that conclusion shortly after starting his new job in the drive-through COVID-19 testing site at the administration office in Renton.

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Financial Assistance

Everyone can be a HealthPoint patient. We are here to help you get the health care you need, no matter what your circumstances.

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Forms & Resources

To save time, feel free to print, complete and bring with you to your medical or dental appointment.

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